import whitebox_workflows
from whitebox_workflows import AttributeField, FieldData, FieldDataType, VectorGeometryType, WbEnvironment
wbe = WbEnvironment()
# Let's begin by downloading the Whitebox Workflows 'Southern_Ontario_roads' sample data
wbe.working_directory = whitebox_workflows.download_sample_data('Southern_Ontario_roads')
print(f'Data have been stored in: {wbe.working_directory}')
# Read in the roads file
roads = wbe.read_vector('roads_utm.shp')
# Let's see some of the properties of this file...
print(f'Vector geometry type: {roads.header.shape_type}') # A VectorGeometryType.PolyLine
print(f'Min X: {roads.header.x_min}')
print(f'Max X: {roads.header.x_max}')
print(f'Min Y: {roads.header.y_min}')
print(f'Max Y: {roads.header.y_max}')
print(f'Number of records: {roads.num_records}')
print(f'Projection: {roads.projection}')
# To retrieve a vector geometry, use the [] syntax.
geom = roads[100]
print(f'Geometry type: {geom.shape_type}')
print(f'Num vertices: {geom.num_points}')
print(f'Num parts: {geom.num_parts}')
print(f'Min X: {geom.x_min}') # There min/max x, y, measure, and z
print(f'First vertex: ({geom.points[0].x}, {geom.points[0].y})')
# What about the file attributes?
print(f'Num records: {roads.attributes.header.num_records}') # Should be same as roads.num_records
print(f'Num fields: {roads.attributes.get_num_fields()}')
# Retrieve and print the attribute fields
att_fields = roads.get_attribute_fields()
for i in range(len(att_fields)):
# What's the index of a specific field, by attribute name?
index_of_road_class = roads.get_attribute_field_num("ROAD_CLASS")
# Let's create a new Vector object...
# First, we need to create the attribute fields used for the new vector
out_att_fields = [
AttributeField("FID", FieldDataType.Int, 6, 0),
AttributeField("SRC_FID", FieldDataType.Int, 6, 0),
# Now create the Vector itself.
out_roads = wbe.new_vector(VectorGeometryType.PolyLine, out_att_fields, proj=roads.projection)
# You can also add a new attribute field after creating the file.
# Now let's filter all the records to find those geometries with a ROAD_CLASS of indicating major highways
old_progress = -1
fid = 1
for i in range(roads.num_records):
road_class = roads.get_attribute_value(i, 'ROAD_CLASS').get_as_string().lower()
if 'freeway' in road_class or 'collector' in road_class or 'expressway' in road_class:
geom = roads[i]
out_roads.add_record(geom) # Add the record to the output Vector
# Create the output attribute record...
att_rec = roads.get_attribute_record(i)
rec_data = [
fid += 1
# then add it to the table.
out_roads.add_attribute_record(rec_data, deleted=False)
# Update the progress after completing each 1% of the records.
progress = int((i + 1.0) / roads.num_records * 100.0)
if progress != old_progress:
old_progress = progress
print(f'Progress: {progress}%')
# Write the output to file.
print('Writing vector to file...')
wbe.write_vector(out_roads, 'out_roads.shp')