Machine Learning


Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (

This tool performs an unsupervised DBSCAN clustering operation, based on a series of input rasters (--inputs). Each grid cell defines a stack of feature values (one value for each input raster), which serves as a point within the multi-dimensional feature space. The DBSCAN algorithm identifies clusters in feature space by identifying regions of high density (core points) and the set of points connected to these high-density areas. Points in feature space that are not connected to high-density regions are labeled by the DBSCAN algorithm as 'noise' and the associated grid cell in the output raster (--output) is assigned the nodata value. Areas of high density (i.e. core points) are defined as those points for which the number of neighbouring points within a search distance (--search_dist) is greater than some user-defined minimum threshold (--min_points).

The main advantages of the DBSCAN algorithm over other clustering methods, such as k-means (KMeansClustering), is that 1) you do not need to specify the number of clusters a priori, and 2) that the method does not make assumptions about the shape of the cluster (spherical in the k-means method). However, DBSCAN does assume that the density of every cluster in the data is approximately equal, which may not be a valid assumption. DBSCAN may also produce unsatisfactory results if there is significant overlap among clusters, as it will aggregate the clusters. Finding search distance and minimum core-point density thresholds that apply globally to the entire data set may be very challenging or impossible for certain applications.

The DBSCAN algorithm is based on the calculation of distances in multi-dimensional space. Feature scaling is essential to the application of DBSCAN clustering, especially when the ranges of the features are different, for example, if they are measured in different units. Without scaling, features with larger ranges will have greater influence in computing the distances between points. The tool offers three options for feature-scaling (--scaling), including 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'. Normalization simply rescales each of the features onto a 0-1 range. This is a good option for most applications, but it is highly sensitive to outliers because it is determined by the range of the minimum and maximum values. Standardization rescales predictors using their means and standard deviations, transforming the data into z-scores. This is a better option than normalization when you know that the data contain outlier values; however, it does does assume that the feature data are somewhat normally distributed, or are at least symmetrical in distribution.

One should keep the impact of feature scaling in mind when setting the --search_dist parameter. For example, if applying normalization, the entire range of values for each dimension of feature space will be bound within the 0-1 range, meaning that the search distance should be smaller than 1.0, and likely significantly smaller. If standardization is used instead, features space is technically infinite, although the vast majority of the data are likely to be contained within the range -2.5 to 2.5.

Because the DBSCAN algorithm calculates distances in feature-space, like many other related algorithms, it suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Distances become less meaningful in high-dimensional space because the vastness of these spaces means that distances between points are less significant (more similar). As such, if the predictor list includes insignificant or highly correlated variables, it is advisable to exclude these features during the model-building phase, or to use a dimension reduction technique such as PrincipalComponentAnalysis to transform the features into a smaller set of uncorrelated predictors.

Memory Usage:

The peak memory usage of this tool is approximately 8 bytes per grid cell × # predictors.

See Also: KMeansClustering, ModifiedKMeansClustering, PrincipalComponentAnalysis


-i, --inputsNames of the input rasters
--scalingScaling method for predictors. Options include 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'
-o, --outputName of the output raster file
--search_distSearch-distance parameter
--min_pointsMinimum point density needed to define 'core' point in cluster

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=Dbscan ^
-i='band1.tif; band2.tif; band3.tif; band4.tif' ^
--scaling='Normalize' -o=clustered.tif --search_dist=0.01 ^

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)

Created: 26/12/2021

Last Modified: 01/01/2022


This tool can be used to perform a k-means clustering operation on two or more input images (--inputs), typically several bands of multi-spectral satellite imagery. The tool creates two outputs, including the classified image (--output and a classification HTML report (--out_html). The user must specify the number of class (--classes), which should be known a priori, and the strategy for initializing class clusters (--initialize). The initialization strategies include "diagonal" (clusters are initially located randomly along the multi-dimensional diagonal of spectral space) and "random" (clusters are initially located randomly throughout spectral space). The algorithm will continue updating cluster center locations with each iteration of the process until either the user-specified maximum number of iterations (--max_iterations) is reached, or until a stability criteria (--class_change) is achieved. The stability criteria is the percent of the total number of pixels in the image that are changed among the class values between consecutive iterations. Lastly, the user must specify the minimum allowable number of pixels in a cluster (--min_class_size).

Note, each of the input images must have the same number of rows and columns and the same spatial extent because the analysis is performed on a pixel-by-pixel basis. NoData values in any of the input images will result in the removal of the corresponding pixel from the analysis.

See Also: ModifiedKMeansClustering


-i, --inputsInput raster files
-o, --outputOutput raster file
--out_htmlOutput HTML report file
--classesNumber of classes
--max_iterationsMaximum number of iterations
--class_changeMinimum percent of cells changed between iterations before completion
--initializeHow to initialize cluster centres?
--min_class_sizeMinimum class size, in pixels

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>>./whitebox_tools -r=KMeansClustering -v ^
--wd='/path/to/data/' -i='image1.tif;image2.tif;image3.tif' ^
-o=output.tif --out_html=report.html --classes=15 ^
--max_iterations=25 --class_change=1.5 --initialize='random' ^

Source code on GitHub

Author: Dr. John Lindsay

Created: 27/12/2017

Last Modified: 24/02/2019


Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (

This tool performs a supervised k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) classification using multiple predictor rasters (--inputs), or features, and training data (--training). It can be used to model the spatial distribution of class data, such as land-cover type, soil class, or vegetation type. The training data take the form of an input vector Shapefile containing a set of points or polygons, for which the known class information is contained within a field (--field) of the attribute table. Each grid cell defines a stack of feature values (one value for each input raster), which serves as a point within the multi-dimensional feature space. The algorithm works by identifying a user-defined number (k, -k) of feature-space neighbours from the training set for each grid cell. The class that is then assigned to the grid cell in the output raster (--output) is then determined as the most common class among the set of neighbours. Note that the KnnRegression tool can be used to apply the k-NN method to the modelling of continuous data.

The user has the option to clip the training set data (--clip). When this option is selected, each training pixel for which the estimated class value, based on the k-NN procedure, is not equal to the known class value, is removed from the training set before proceeding with labelling all grid cells. This has the effect of removing outlier points within the training set and often improves the overall classification accuracy.

The tool splits the training data into two sets, one for training the classifier and one for testing the classification. These test data are used to calculate the overall accuracy and Cohen's kappa index of agreement, as well as to estimate the variable importance. The --test_proportion parameter is used to set the proportion of the input training data used in model testing. For example, if --test_proportion = 0.2, 20% of the training data will be set aside for testing, and this subset will be selected randomly. As a result of this random selection of test data, the tool behaves stochastically, and will result in a different model each time it is run.

Note that the output image parameter (--output) is optional. When unspecified, the tool will simply report the model accuracy statistics and variable importance, allowing the user to experiment with different parameter settings and input predictor raster combinations to optimize the model before applying it to classify the whole image data set.

Like all supervised classification methods, this technique relies heavily on proper selection of training data. Training sites are exemplar areas/points of known and representative class value (e.g. land cover type). The algorithm determines the feature signatures of the pixels within each training area. In selecting training sites, care should be taken to ensure that they cover the full range of variability within each class. Otherwise the classification accuracy will be impacted. If possible, multiple training sites should be selected for each class. It is also advisable to avoid areas near the edges of class objects (e.g. land-cover patches), where mixed pixels may impact the purity of training site values.

After selecting training sites, the feature value distributions of each class type can be assessed using the EvaluateTrainingSites tool. In particular, the distribution of class values should ideally be non-overlapping in at least one feature dimension.

The k-NN algorithm is based on the calculation of distances in multi-dimensional space. Feature scaling is essential to the application of k-NN modelling, especially when the ranges of the features are different, for example, if they are measured in different units. Without scaling, features with larger ranges will have greater influence in computing the distances between points. The tool offers three options for feature-scaling (--scaling), including 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'. Normalization simply rescales each of the features onto a 0-1 range. This is a good option for most applications, but it is highly sensitive to outliers because it is determined by the range of the minimum and maximum values. Standardization rescales predictors using their means and standard deviations, transforming the data into z-scores. This is a better option than normalization when you know that the data contain outlier values; however, it does does assume that the feature data are somewhat normally distributed, or are at least symmetrical in distribution.

Because the k-NN algorithm calculates distances in feature-space, like many other related algorithms, it suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Distances become less meaningful in high-dimensional space because the vastness of these spaces means that distances between points are less significant (more similar). As such, if the predictor list includes insignificant or highly correlated variables, it is advisable to exclude these features during the model-building phase, or to use a dimension reduction technique such as PrincipalComponentAnalysis to transform the features into a smaller set of uncorrelated predictors.

For a video tutorial on how to use the KnnClassification tool, see this YouTube video.

Memory Usage:

The peak memory usage of this tool is approximately 8 bytes per grid cell × # predictors.

See Also: KnnRegression, RandomForestClassification, SvmClassification, ParallelepipedClassification, EvaluateTrainingSites


-i, --inputsNames of the input predictor rasters
-t, --trainingName of the input training site polygons/points shapefile
-f, --fieldName of the attribute containing class name data
--test_proportionThe proportion of the dataset to include in the test split; default is 0.2
-o, --outputName of the output raster file
--scalingScaling method for predictors. Options include 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'
-kk-parameter, which determines the number of nearest neighbours used
--clipPerform training data clipping to remove outlier pixels?

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=KnnClassification ^
-i='band1.tif; band2.tif; band3.tif; band4.tif' ^
-p=training_sites.shp -f='LAND_COVER' -o=classified.tif -k=8 ^
--clip --test_proportion=0.1 

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)

Created: 14/12/2021

Last Modified: 30/12/2021


Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (

This tool performs a supervised k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) regression analysis using multiple predictor rasters (--inputs), or features, and training data (--training). It can be used to model the spatial distribution of continuous data, such as soil properties (e.g. percent sand/silt/clay). The training data take the form of an input vector Shapefile containing a set of points, for which the known outcome information is contained within a field (--field) of the attribute table. Each grid cell defines a stack of feature values (one value for each input raster), which serves as a point within the multi-dimensional feature space. The algorithm works by identifying a user-defined number (k, -k) of feature-space neighbours from the training set for each grid cell. The value that is then assigned to the grid cell in the output raster (--output) is then determined as the mean of the outcome variable among the set of neighbours. The user may optionally choose to weight neighbour outcome values in the averaging calculation, with weights determined by the inverse distance function (--weight). Note that the KnnClassification tool can be used to apply the k-NN method to the modelling of categorical data.

The tool splits the training data into two sets, one for training the model and one for testing the prediction. These test data are used to calculate the regression accuracy statistics, as well as to estimate the variable importance. The --test_proportion parameter is used to set the proportion of the input training data used in model testing. For example, if --test_proportion = 0.2, 20% of the training data will be set aside for testing, and this subset will be selected randomly. As a result of this random selection of test data, the tool behaves stochastically, and will result in a different model each time it is run.

Note that the output image parameter (--output) is optional. When unspecified, the tool will simply report the model accuracy statistics and variable importance, allowing the user to experiment with different parameter settings and input predictor raster combinations to optimize the model before applying it to model the outcome variable across the whole region defined by image data set.

The k-NN algorithm is based on the calculation of distances in multi-dimensional space. Feature scaling is essential to the application of k-NN modelling, especially when the ranges of the features are different, for example, if they are measured in different units. Without scaling, features with larger ranges will have greater influence in computing the distances between points. The tool offers three options for feature-scaling (--scaling), including 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'. Normalization simply rescales each of the features onto a 0-1 range. This is a good option for most applications, but it is highly sensitive to outliers because it is determined by the range of the minimum and maximum values. Standardization rescales predictors using their means and standard deviations, transforming the data into z-scores. This is a better option than normalization when you know that the data contain outlier values; however, it does does assume that the feature data are somewhat normally distributed, or are at least symmetrical in distribution.

Because the k-NN algorithm calculates distances in feature-space, like many other related algorithms, it suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Distances become less meaningful in high-dimensional space because the vastness of these spaces means that distances between points are less significant (more similar). As such, if the predictor list includes insignificant or highly correlated variables, it is advisable to exclude these features during the model-building phase, or to use a dimension reduction technique such as PrincipalComponentAnalysis to transform the features into a smaller set of uncorrelated predictors.

Memory Usage:

The peak memory usage of this tool is approximately 8 bytes per grid cell × # predictors.

See Also: KnnClassification, RandomForestRegression, SvmRegression, PrincipalComponentAnalysis


-i, --inputsNames of the input predictor rasters
--scalingScaling method for predictors. Options include 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'
-t, --trainingName of the input training site points Shapefile
-f, --fieldName of the attribute containing response variable name data
-o, --outputName of the output raster file
-kk-parameter, which determines the number of nearest neighbours used
--weightUse distance weighting?
--test_proportionThe proportion of the dataset to include in the test split; default is 0.2

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=KnnRegression ^
-i='band1.tif; band2.tif; band3.tif; band4.tif' ^
-p=training_sites.shp -f='PCT_SAND' -o=PercentSand.tif -k=8 ^
--weight --test_proportion=0.1 

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)

Created: 14/12/2021

Last Modified: 21/01/2022


Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (

This tool performs a logistic regression analysis using multiple predictor rasters (--inputs), or features, and training data (--training). Logistic regression is a type of linear statistical classifier that in its basic form uses a logistic function to model a binary outcome variable, although the implementation used by this tool can handle multi-class dependent variables. This tool can be used to model the spatial distribution of class data, such as land-cover type, soil class, or vegetation type.

The training data take the form of an input vector Shapefile containing a set of points or polygons, for which the known class information is contained within a field (--field) of the attribute table. Each grid cell defines a stack of feature values (one value for each input raster), which serves as a point within the multi-dimensional feature space.

The tool splits the training data into two sets, one for training the model and one for testing the prediction. These test data are used to calculate the classification accuracy stats, as well as to estimate the variable importance. The --test_proportion parameter is used to set the proportion of the input training data used in model testing. For example, if --test_proportion = 0.2, 20% of the training data will be set aside for testing, and this subset will be selected randomly. As a result of this random selection of test data, the tool behaves stochastically, and will result in a different model each time it is run.

Note that the output image parameter (--output) is optional. When unspecified, the tool will simply report the model accuracy statistics and variable importance, allowing the user to experiment with different parameter settings and input predictor raster combinations to optimize the model before applying it to model the outcome variable across the whole region defined by image data set.

The user may opt for feature scaling, which can be important when the ranges of the features are different, for example, if they are measured in different units. Without scaling, features with larger ranges will have greater influence in computing the distances between points. The tool offers three options for feature-scaling (--scaling), including 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'. Normalization simply rescales each of the features onto a 0-1 range. This is a good option for most applications, but it is highly sensitive to outliers because it is determined by the range of the minimum and maximum values. Standardization rescales predictors using their means and standard deviations, transforming the data into z-scores. This is a better option than normalization when you know that the data contain outlier values; however, it does does assume that the feature data are somewhat normally distributed, or are at least symmetrical in distribution.

Because the logistic regression calculates distances in feature-space, like many other related algorithms, it suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Distances become less meaningful in high-dimensional space because the vastness of these spaces means that distances between points are less significant (more similar). As such, if the predictor list includes insignificant or highly correlated variables, it is advisable to exclude these features during the model-building phase, or to use a dimension reduction technique such as PrincipalComponentAnalysis to transform the features into a smaller set of uncorrelated predictors.

Memory Usage:

The peak memory usage of this tool is approximately 8 bytes per grid cell × # predictors.

See Also: SvmClassification, RandomForestClassification, KnnClassification, PrincipalComponentAnalysis


-i, --inputsNames of the input predictor rasters
--scalingScaling method for predictors. Options include 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'
-t, --trainingName of the input training site polygons/points shapefile
-f, --fieldName of the attribute containing class data
-o, --outputName of the output raster file
--test_proportionThe proportion of the dataset to include in the test split; default is 0.2

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=LogisticRegression ^
-i='band1.tif; band2.tif; band3.tif; band4.tif' ^
-p=training_sites.shp -f='SANDY' -o=classified.tif ^

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)

Created: 02/01/2022

Last Modified: 02/01/2022


This modified k-means algorithm is similar to that described by Mather and Koch (2011). The main difference between the traditional k-means and this technique is that the user does not need to specify the desired number of classes/clusters prior to running the tool. Instead, the algorithm initializes with a very liberal overestimate of the number of classes and then merges classes that have cluster centres that are separated by less than a user-defined threshold. The main difference between this algorithm and the ISODATA technique is that clusters can not be broken apart into two smaller clusters.


Mather, P. M., & Koch, M. (2011). Computer processing of remotely-sensed images: an introduction. John Wiley & Sons.

See Also: KMeansClustering


-i, --inputsInput raster files
-o, --outputOutput raster file
--out_htmlOutput HTML report file
--start_clustersInitial number of clusters
--merge_distCluster merger distance
--max_iterationsMaximum number of iterations
--class_changeMinimum percent of cells changed between iterations before completion

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>>./whitebox_tools -r=ModifiedKMeansClustering -v ^
--wd='/path/to/data/' -i='image1.tif;image2.tif;image3.tif' ^
-o=output.tif --out_html=report.html --start_clusters=100 ^
--merge_dist=30.0 --max_iterations=25 --class_change=1.5 

Source code on GitHub

Author: Dr. John Lindsay

Created: 30/12/2017

Last Modified: 24/02/2019


Performs a supervised random forest classification using training site polygons/points and predictor rasters.


-i, --inputsNames of the input predictor rasters
-t, --trainingName of the input training site polygons/points shapefile
-f, --fieldName of the attribute containing class data
-o, --outputName of the output raster file
--split_criterionSplit criterion to use when building a tree. Options include 'Gini', 'Entropy', and 'ClassificationError'
--n_treesThe number of trees in the forest
--min_samples_leafThe minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node
--min_samples_splitThe minimum number of samples required to split an internal node
--test_proportionThe proportion of the dataset to include in the test split; default is 0.2

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=RandomForestClassification ^
-i='band1.tif; band2.tif; band3.tif; band4.tif' ^
-p=training_sites.shp -f='LAND_COVER' -o=classified.tif ^
--n_trees=100 --test_proportion=0.1 

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Unknown

Created: Unknown

Last Modified: Unknown


Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (

This tool builds a supervised random forest (RF) classification model using multiple predictor rasters (--inputs), or features, and training data (--training). This tool is intended to be paired with the RandomForestClassificationPrediction tool, where users first build the model by fitting and random forest to training data (RandomForestClassificationFit) and subsequently use the output model (--model) to predict a spatial distribution (RandomForestClassificationPredict). The model created by the RandomForestClassificationFit tool is saved to a generic binary formatted file with a *.dat extension, which then serves as the input to the RandomForestClassificationPredict tool. These two tools are used to model the spatial distribution of class data, such as land-cover type, soil class, or vegetation type. The training data take the form of an input vector Shapefile containing a set of points or polygons, for which the known class information is contained within a field (--field) of the attribute table. Each grid cell defines a stack of feature values (one value for each input raster), which serves as a point within the multi-dimensional feature space.

Note: it is very important that the order of feature rasters is the same for both fitting the model and using the model for prediction. It is possible to use a model fitted to one data set to make preditions for another data set, however, the set of feature reasters specified to the prediction tool must be input in the same sequence used for building the model. For example, one may train a RF classifer on one set of multi-spectral satellite imagery and then apply that model to classify a different imagery scene, but the image band sequence must be the same for the Fit/Predict tools otherwise inaccurate predictions will result.

Random forest is an ensemble learning method that works by creating a large number (--n_trees) of decision trees and using a majority vote to determine estimated class values. Individual trees are created using a random sub-set of predictors. This ensemble approach overcomes the tendency of individual decision trees to overfit the training data. As such, the RF method is a widely and successfully applied machine-learning method in many domains. Note that the RandomForestRegressionFit tool (paired with RandomForestRegressionPredict) can be used to apply the RF method to the modelling of continuous data.

The user must specify the splitting criteria (--split_criterion) used in training the decision trees. Options for this parameter include 'Gini', 'Entropy', and 'ClassificationError'. The model can also be adjusted based on each of the number of trees (--n_trees), the minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node (--min_samples_leaf), and the minimum number of samples required to split an internal node (--min_samples_split) parameters.

The tool splits the training data into two sets, one for training the classifier and one for testing the model. These test data are used to calculate the overall accuracy and Cohen's kappa index of agreement, as well as to estimate the variable importance. The --test_proportion parameter is used to set the proportion of the input training data used in model testing. For example, if --test_proportion = 0.2, 20% of the training data will be set aside for testing, and this subset will be selected randomly. As a result of this random selection of test data, and the random selection of features used in decision tree creation, the tool is inherently stochastic, and will result in a different model each time it is run.

Like all supervised classification methods, this technique relies heavily on proper selection of training data. Training sites are exemplar areas/points of known and representative class value (e.g. land cover type). The training data input file (--training) can consist of either vector points or polygons, for whcih the attribute table contains one field with the known class value. The algorithm determines the feature signatures of the pixels within each training area/point. In selecting training sites, care should be taken to ensure that they cover the full range of variability within each class. Otherwise the classification accuracy will be impacted. If possible, multiple training sites should be selected for each class. It is also advisable to avoid areas near the edges of class objects (e.g. land-cover patches), where mixed pixels may impact the purity of training site values.

After selecting training sites, the feature value distributions of each class type can be assessed using the EvaluateTrainingSites tool. In particular, the distribution of class values should ideally be non-overlapping in at least one feature dimension.

RF, like decision trees, does not require feature scaling. That is, unlike the k-NN algorithm and other methods that are based on the calculation of distances in multi-dimensional space, there is no need to rescale the predictors onto a common scale prior to RF analysis. Because individual trees do not use the full set of predictors, RF is also more robust against the curse of dimensionality than many other machine learning methods. Nonetheless, there is still debate about whether or not it is advisable to use a large number of predictors with RF analysis and it may be better to exclude predictors that are highly correlated with others, or that do not contribute significantly to the model during the model-building phase. A dimension reduction technique such as PrincipalComponentAnalysis can be used to transform the features into a smaller set of uncorrelated predictors.

Memory Usage: Depending on the size and number of input feature rasters, this tool may require substantial memory to run. Peak memory usage will be at least 8 × # grid cells × # of features.

See Also: RandomForestClassificationPredict, RandomForestRegressionFit, RandomForestRegressionPredict, KnnClassification, SvmClassification, ParallelepipedClassification, EvaluateTrainingSites, PrincipalComponentAnalysis


-i, --inputsNames of the input predictor rasters
-t, --trainingName of the input training site polygons/points shapefile
-f, --fieldName of the attribute containing class data
-o, --outputName of the output model file (*.dat)
--split_criterionSplit criterion to use when building a tree. Options include 'Gini', 'Entropy', and 'ClassificationError'
--n_treesThe number of trees in the forest
--min_samples_leafThe minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node
--min_samples_splitThe minimum number of samples required to split an internal node
--test_proportionThe proportion of the dataset to include in the test split; default is 0.2

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=RandomForestClassificationFit ^
-i='band1.tif; band2.tif; band3.tif; band4.tif' ^
-p=training_sites.shp -f='LAND_COVER' -o=landcover.tif ^
--n_trees=100 --test_proportion=0.1 

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)

Created: 15/05/2023

Last Modified: 15/05/2023


Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (

This tool applies a pre-built random forest (RF) classification model trained using multiple predictor rasters (--inputs), or features, and training data (--training) to predict a spatial distribution. This tool is intended to be paired with the RandomForestClassificationFit tool, where users first build the model by fitting and random forest to training data (RandomForestClassificationFit) and subsequently use the output model (--model) to predict a spatial distribution (RandomForestClassificationPredict). The model created by the RandomForestClassificationFit tool is saved to a generic binary formatted file with a *.dat extension, which then serves as the input to the RandomForestClassificationPredict tool. These two tools are used to model the spatial distribution of class data, such as land-cover type, soil class, or vegetation type. The training data take the form of an input vector Shapefile containing a set of points or polygons, for which the known class information is contained within a field (--field) of the attribute table. Each grid cell defines a stack of feature values (one value for each input raster), which serves as a point within the multi-dimensional feature space.

Note: it is very important that the order of feature rasters is the same for both fitting the model and using the model for prediction. It is possible to use a model fitted to one data set to make preditions for another data set, however, the set of feature reasters specified to the prediction tool must be input in the same sequence used for building the model. For example, one may train a RF classifer on one set of multi-spectral satellite imagery and then apply that model to classify a different imagery scene, but the image band sequence must be the same for the Fit/Predict tools otherwise inaccurate predictions will result.

Random forest is an ensemble learning method that works by creating a large number (--n_trees) of decision trees and using a majority vote to determine estimated class values. Individual trees are created using a random sub-set of predictors. This ensemble approach overcomes the tendency of individual decision trees to overfit the training data. As such, the RF method is a widely and successfully applied machine-learning method in many domains. Note that the RandomForestRegressionFit tool (paired with RandomForestRegressionPredict) can be used to apply the RF method to the modelling of continuous data.

The user must specify the splitting criteria (--split_criterion) used in training the decision trees. Options for this parameter include 'Gini', 'Entropy', and 'ClassificationError'. The model can also be adjusted based on each of the number of trees (--n_trees), the minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node (--min_samples_leaf), and the minimum number of samples required to split an internal node (--min_samples_split) parameters.

The tool splits the training data into two sets, one for training the classifier and one for testing the model. These test data are used to calculate the overall accuracy and Cohen's kappa index of agreement, as well as to estimate the variable importance. The --test_proportion parameter is used to set the proportion of the input training data used in model testing. For example, if --test_proportion = 0.2, 20% of the training data will be set aside for testing, and this subset will be selected randomly. As a result of this random selection of test data, and the random selection of features used in decision tree creation, the tool is inherently stochastic, and will result in a different model each time it is run.

Like all supervised classification methods, this technique relies heavily on proper selection of training data. Training sites are exemplar areas/points of known and representative class value (e.g. land cover type). The training data input file (--training) can consist of either vector points or polygons, for whcih the attribute table contains one field with the known class value. The algorithm determines the feature signatures of the pixels within each training area/point. In selecting training sites, care should be taken to ensure that they cover the full range of variability within each class. Otherwise the classification accuracy will be impacted. If possible, multiple training sites should be selected for each class. It is also advisable to avoid areas near the edges of class objects (e.g. land-cover patches), where mixed pixels may impact the purity of training site values.

After selecting training sites, the feature value distributions of each class type can be assessed using the EvaluateTrainingSites tool. In particular, the distribution of class values should ideally be non-overlapping in at least one feature dimension.

RF, like decision trees, does not require feature scaling. That is, unlike the k-NN algorithm and other methods that are based on the calculation of distances in multi-dimensional space, there is no need to rescale the predictors onto a common scale prior to RF analysis. Because individual trees do not use the full set of predictors, RF is also more robust against the curse of dimensionality than many other machine learning methods. Nonetheless, there is still debate about whether or not it is advisable to use a large number of predictors with RF analysis and it may be better to exclude predictors that are highly correlated with others, or that do not contribute significantly to the model during the model-building phase. A dimension reduction technique such as PrincipalComponentAnalysis can be used to transform the features into a smaller set of uncorrelated predictors.

Memory Usage: Depending on the size and number of input feature rasters, this tool may require substantial memory to run. Peak memory usage will be at least 8 × # grid cells × # of features.

See Also: RandomForestClassificationFit, RandomForestRegressionFit, RandomForestRegressionPredict, KnnClassification, SvmClassification, ParallelepipedClassification, EvaluateTrainingSites, PrincipalComponentAnalysis


-i, --inputsNames of the input predictor rasters. Raster order is important and must follow that used to fit the model
-m, --modelName of the previously trained random forest model (*.dat)
-o, --outputName of the output raster file

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=RandomForestClassificationPredict ^
-i='band1.tif; band2.tif; band3.tif; band4.tif' ^
-t=training_sites.shp -f='LAND_COVER' -o=landcover.dat 

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)

Created: 15/05/2023

Last Modified: 15/05/2023


Performs a random forest regression analysis using training site data and predictor rasters.


-i, --inputsNames of the input predictor rasters
-t, --trainingName of the input training site points shapefile
-f, --fieldName of the attribute containing response variable name data
-o, --outputName of the output raster file. This parameter is optional. When unspecified, the tool will only build the model. When specified, the tool will use the built model and predictor rasters to perform a spatial prediction
--n_treesThe number of trees in the forest
--min_samples_leafThe minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node
--min_samples_splitThe minimum number of samples required to split an internal node
--test_proportionThe proportion of the dataset to include in the test split; default is 0.2

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=RandomForestRegression ^
-i='dem.tif; slope.tif; DEVmax.tif; tan_curv.tif' ^
-t=field_sites.shp -f='PCT_SAND' -o=PercentSand.tif ^
--n_trees=100 --test_proportion=0.1 

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Unknown

Created: Unknown

Last Modified: Unknown


Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (

This tool performs a supervised random forest (RF) regression analysis using multiple predictor rasters (--inputs), or features, and training data (--training). This tool is intended to be paired with the RandomForestRegressionPredict tool, where users first build the model by fitting and random forest to training data (RandomForestRegressionFit) and subsequently use the output model (--model) to predict a spatial distribution (RandomForestRegressionPredict). The model created by the RandomForestRegressionFit tool is saved to a generic binary formatted file with a *.dat extension, which then serves as the input to the RandomForestRegressionPredict tool. These two tools can be used to model the spatial distribution of continuous data, such as soil properties (e.g. percent sand/silt/clay). The training data take the form of an input vector Shapefile containing a set of points, for which the known outcome information is contained within a field (--field) of the attribute table. Each grid cell defines a stack of feature values (one value for each input raster), which serves as a point within the multi-dimensional feature space.

Note: it is very important that the order of feature rasters is the same for both fitting the model and using the model for prediction. It is possible to use a model fitted to one data set to make preditions for another data set, however, the set of feature reasters specified to the prediction tool must be input in the same sequence used for building the model. For example, one may train a RF regressor on one set of land-surface parameters and then apply that model to predict the spatial distribution of a soil property on a land-surface parameter stack derived for a different landscape, but the image band sequence must be the same for the Fit/Predict tools otherwise inaccurate predictions will result.

Random forest is an ensemble learning method that works by creating a large number (--n_trees) of decision trees and using an averaging of each tree to determine estimated outcome values. Individual trees are created using a random sub-set of predictors. This ensemble approach overcomes the tendency of individual decision trees to overfit the training data. As such, the RF method is a widely and successfully applied machine-learning method in many domains. Note that the RandomForestClassification tool can be used to apply the RF method to the modelling of categorical (class) data.

Users must specify the number of trees (--n_trees), the minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node (--min_samples_leaf), and the minimum number of samples required to split an internal node (--min_samples_split) parameters, which determine the characteristics of the resulting model.

The tool splits the training data into two sets, one for training the model and one for testing the prediction. These test data are used to calculate the regression accuracy statistics, as well as to estimate the variable importance. The --test_proportion parameter is used to set the proportion of the input training data used in model testing. For example, if --test_proportion = 0.2, 20% of the training data will be set aside for testing, and this subset will be selected randomly. As a result of this random selection of test data, as well as the randomness involved in establishing the individual decision trees, the tool in inherently stochastic, and will result in a different model each time it is run.

RF, like decision trees, does not require feature scaling. That is, unlike the k-NN algorithm and other methods that are based on the calculation of distances in multi-dimensional space, there is no need to rescale the predictors onto a common scale prior to RF analysis. Because individual trees do not use the full set of predictors, RF is also more robust against the curse of dimensionality than many other machine learning methods. Nonetheless, there is still debate about whether or not it is advisable to use a large number of predictors with RF analysis and it may be better to exclude predictors that are highly correlated with others, or that do not contribute significantly to the model during the model-building phase. A dimension reduction technique such as PrincipalComponentAnalysis can be used to transform the features into a smaller set of uncorrelated predictors.

For a video tutorial on how to use the RandomForestRegression tool, see this YouTube video.

Memory Usage: Depending on the size and number of input feature rasters, this tool may require substantial memory to run. Peak memory usage will be at least 8 × # grid cells × # of features.

See Also: RandomForestRegressionPredict, RandomForestClassificationFit, RandomForestClassificationPredict, KnnRegression, SvmRegression, PrincipalComponentAnalysis


-i, --inputsNames of the input predictor rasters
-t, --trainingName of the input training site points Shapefile
-f, --fieldName of the attribute containing response variable name data
-o, --outputName of the output model file (*.dat)
--n_treesThe number of trees in the forest
--min_samples_leafThe minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node
--min_samples_splitThe minimum number of samples required to split an internal node
--test_proportionThe proportion of the dataset to include in the test split; default is 0.2

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=RandomForestRegressionFit ^
-i='dem.tif; slope.tif; DEVmax.tif; tan_curv.tif' ^
-t=field_sites.shp -f='PCT_SAND' -o=PercentSand.dat ^
--n_trees=100 --test_proportion=0.1 

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)

Created: 15/05/2023

Last Modified: 15/05/2023


Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (

This tool performs a pre-built random forest (RF) regression analysis using multiple predictor rasters (--inputs), or features, and training data (--training), to predict a continuous spatial distribution. This tool is intended to be paired with the RandomForestRegressionFit tool, where users first build the model by fitting and random forest to training data (RandomForestRegressionFit) and subsequently use the output model (--model) to predict a spatial distribution (RandomForestRegressionPredict). The model created by the RandomForestRegressionFit tool is saved to a generic binary formatted file with a *.dat extension, which then serves as the input to the RandomForestRegressionPredict tool. These two tools can be used to model the spatial distribution of continuous data, such as soil properties (e.g. percent sand/silt/clay). The training data take the form of an input vector Shapefile containing a set of points, for which the known outcome information is contained within a field (--field) of the attribute table. Each grid cell defines a stack of feature values (one value for each input raster), which serves as a point within the multi-dimensional feature space.

Note: it is very important that the order of feature rasters is the same for both fitting the model and using the model for prediction. It is possible to use a model fitted to one data set to make preditions for another data set, however, the set of feature reasters specified to the prediction tool must be input in the same sequence used for building the model. For example, one may train a RF regressor on one set of land-surface parameters and then apply that model to predict the spatial distribution of a soil property on a land-surface parameter stack derived for a different landscape, but the image band sequence must be the same for the Fit/Predict tools otherwise inaccurate predictions will result.

Random forest is an ensemble learning method that works by creating a large number (--n_trees) of decision trees and using an averaging of each tree to determine estimated outcome values. Individual trees are created using a random sub-set of predictors. This ensemble approach overcomes the tendency of individual decision trees to overfit the training data. As such, the RF method is a widely and successfully applied machine-learning method in many domains. Note that the RandomForestClassification tool can be used to apply the RF method to the modelling of categorical (class) data.

Users must specify the number of trees (--n_trees), the minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node (--min_samples_leaf), and the minimum number of samples required to split an internal node (--min_samples_split) parameters, which determine the characteristics of the resulting model.

The tool splits the training data into two sets, one for training the model and one for testing the prediction. These test data are used to calculate the regression accuracy statistics, as well as to estimate the variable importance. The --test_proportion parameter is used to set the proportion of the input training data used in model testing. For example, if --test_proportion = 0.2, 20% of the training data will be set aside for testing, and this subset will be selected randomly. As a result of this random selection of test data, as well as the randomness involved in establishing the individual decision trees, the tool in inherently stochastic, and will result in a different model each time it is run.

RF, like decision trees, does not require feature scaling. That is, unlike the k-NN algorithm and other methods that are based on the calculation of distances in multi-dimensional space, there is no need to rescale the predictors onto a common scale prior to RF analysis. Because individual trees do not use the full set of predictors, RF is also more robust against the curse of dimensionality than many other machine learning methods. Nonetheless, there is still debate about whether or not it is advisable to use a large number of predictors with RF analysis and it may be better to exclude predictors that are highly correlated with others, or that do not contribute significantly to the model during the model-building phase. A dimension reduction technique such as PrincipalComponentAnalysis can be used to transform the features into a smaller set of uncorrelated predictors.

For a video tutorial on how to use the RandomForestRegression tool, see this YouTube video.

Memory Usage: Depending on the size and number of input feature rasters, this tool may require substantial memory to run. Peak memory usage will be at least 8 × # grid cells × # of features.

See Also: RandomForestRegressionFit, RandomForestClassificationFit, RandomForestClassificationPredict, KnnRegression, SvmRegression, PrincipalComponentAnalysis


-i, --inputsNames of the input predictor rasters. Raster order is important and must follow that used to fit the model
-m, --modelName of the previously trained random forest model (*.dat)
-o, --outputName of the output raster file

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=RandomForestRegressionFit ^
-i='dem.tif; slope.tif; DEVmax.tif; tan_curv.tif' ^
--model=PercentSand.dat -o=PercentSand.tif 

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)

Created: 15/05/2023

Last Modified: 15/05/2023


Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (

This tool performs a support vector machine (SVM) binary classification using multiple predictor rasters (--inputs), or features, and training data (--training). SVMs are a common class of supervised learning algorithms widely applied in many problem domains. This tool can be used to model the spatial distribution of class data, such as land-cover type, soil class, or vegetation type. The training data take the form of an input vector Shapefile containing a set of points or polygons, for which the known class information is contained within a field (--field) of the attribute table. Each grid cell defines a stack of feature values (one value for each input raster), which serves as a point within the multi-dimensional feature space. Note that the SvmRegression tool can be used to apply the SVM method to the modelling of continuous data.

The user must specify the values of three parameters used in the development of the model, the c parameters (-c), gamma (--gamma), and the tolerance (--tolerance). The c-value is the regularization parameter used in model optimization. The gamma parameter defines the radial basis function (Gaussian) kernel parameter. The tolerance parameter controls the stopping condition used during model optimization.

The tool splits the training data into two sets, one for training the classifier and one for testing the classification. These test data are used to calculate the overall accuracy and Matthew correlation coefficient (MCC). The --test_proportion parameter is used to set the proportion of the input training data used in model testing. For example, if --test_proportion = 0.2, 20% of the training data will be set aside for testing, and this subset will be selected randomly. As a result of this random selection of test data, the tool behaves stochastically, and will result in a different model each time it is run.

Note that the output image parameter (--output) is optional. When unspecified, the tool will simply report the model accuracy statistics, allowing the user to experiment with different parameter settings and input predictor raster combinations to optimize the model before applying it to classify the whole image data set.

Like all supervised classification methods, this technique relies heavily on proper selection of training data. Training sites are exemplar areas/points of known and representative class value (e.g. land cover type). The algorithm determines the feature signatures of the pixels within each training area. In selecting training sites, care should be taken to ensure that they cover the full range of variability within each class. Otherwise the classification accuracy will be impacted. If possible, multiple training sites should be selected for each class. It is also advisable to avoid areas near the edges of class objects (e.g. land-cover patches), where mixed pixels may impact the purity of training site values.

After selecting training sites, the feature value distributions of each class type can be assessed using the EvaluateTrainingSites tool. In particular, the distribution of class values should ideally be non-overlapping in at least one feature dimension.

The SVM algorithm is based on the calculation of distances in multi-dimensional space. Feature scaling is essential to the application of SVM-based modelling, especially when the ranges of the features are different, for example, if they are measured in different units. Without scaling, features with larger ranges will have greater influence in computing the distances between points. The tool offers three options for feature-scaling (--scaling), including 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'. Normalization simply rescales each of the features onto a 0-1 range. This is a good option for most applications, but it is highly sensitive to outliers because it is determined by the range of the minimum and maximum values. Standardization rescales predictors using their means and standard deviations, transforming the data into z-scores. This is a better option than normalization when you know that the data contain outlier values; however, it does does assume that the feature data are somewhat normally distributed, or are at least symmetrical in distribution.

Because the SVM algorithm calculates distances in feature-space, like many other related algorithms, it suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Distances become less meaningful in high-dimensional space because the vastness of these spaces means that distances between points are less significant (more similar). As such, if the predictor list includes insignificant or highly correlated variables, it is advisable to exclude these features during the model-building phase, or to use a dimension reduction technique such as PrincipalComponentAnalysis to transform the features into a smaller set of uncorrelated predictors.

Memory Usage:

The peak memory usage of this tool is approximately 8 bytes per grid cell × # predictors.

See Also: RandomForestClassification, KnnClassification, ParallelepipedClassification, EvaluateTrainingSites, PrincipalComponentAnalysis


-i, --inputsNames of the input predictor rasters
--scalingScaling method for predictors. Options include 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'
-t, --trainingName of the input training site polygons/points Shapefile
-f, --fieldName of the attribute containing class data
-o, --outputName of the output raster file
-cc-value, the regularization parameter
--gammaGamma parameter used in setting the RBF (Gaussian) kernel function
--toleranceThe tolerance parameter used in determining the stopping condition
--test_proportionThe proportion of the dataset to include in the test split; default is 0.2

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=SvmClassification ^
-i='band1.tif; band2.tif; band3.tif; band4.tif' ^
--scaling='Normalize' -p=training_sites.shp -f='LAND_COVER' ^
-o=classified.tif --gamma=20.0 --tolerance=0.01 --c_pos=5000.0 ^
--c_neg=500.0 --test_proportion=0.1 

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)

Created: 02/01/2022

Last Modified: 02/01/2022


Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (

This tool performs a supervised support vector machine (SVM) regression analysis using multiple predictor rasters (--inputs), or features, and training data (--training). SVMs are a common class of supervised learning algorithms widely applied in many problem domains. This tool can be used to model the spatial distribution of continuous data, such as soil properties (e.g. percent sand/silt/clay). The training data take the form of an input vector Shapefile containing a set of points for which the known outcome data is contained within a field (--field) of the attribute table. Each grid cell defines a stack of feature values (one value for each input raster), which serves as a point within the multi-dimensional feature space. Note that the SvmClassification tool can be used to apply the SVM method to the modelling of categorical data.

The user must specify the c-value (-c), the regularization parameter used in model optimization, the epsilon-value (--eps), used in the development of the epsilon-SVM regression model, and the gamma-value (--gamma), which is used in defining the radial basis function (Gaussian) kernel parameter.

The tool splits the training data into two sets, one for training the model and one for testing the prediction. These test data are used to calculate the regression accuracy statistics, as well as to estimate the variable importance. The --test_proportion parameter is used to set the proportion of the input training data used in model testing. For example, if --test_proportion = 0.2, 20% of the training data will be set aside for testing, and this subset will be selected randomly. As a result of this random selection of test data, the tool behaves stochastically, and will result in a different model each time it is run.

Note that the output image parameter (--output) is optional. When unspecified, the tool will simply report the model accuracy statistics and variable importance, allowing the user to experiment with different parameter settings and input predictor raster combinations to optimize the model before applying it to model the outcome variable across the whole region defined by image data set.

The SVM algorithm is based on the calculation of distances in multi-dimensional space. Feature scaling is essential to the application of SVM modelling, especially when the ranges of the features are different, for example, if they are measured in different units. Without scaling, features with larger ranges will have greater influence in computing the distances between points. The tool offers three options for feature-scaling (--scaling), including 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'. Normalization simply rescales each of the features onto a 0-1 range. This is a good option for most applications, but it is highly sensitive to outliers because it is determined by the range of the minimum and maximum values. Standardization rescales predictors using their means and standard deviations, transforming the data into z-scores. This is a better option than normalization when you know that the data contain outlier values; however, it does does assume that the feature data are somewhat normally distributed, or are at least symmetrical in distribution.

Because the SVM algorithm calculates distances in feature-space, like many other related algorithms, it suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Distances become less meaningful in high-dimensional space because the vastness of these spaces means that distances between points are less significant (more similar). As such, if the predictor list includes insignificant or highly correlated variables, it is advisable to exclude these features during the model-building phase, or to use a dimension reduction technique such as PrincipalComponentAnalysis to transform the features into a smaller set of uncorrelated predictors.

Memory Usage:

The peak memory usage of this tool is approximately 8 bytes per grid cell × # predictors.

See Also: SvmClassification, RandomForestRegression, KnnRegression, PrincipalComponentAnalysis


-i, --inputsNames of the input predictor rasters
--scalingScaling method for predictors. Options include 'None', 'Normalize', and 'Standardize'
-t, --trainingName of the input training site points Shapefile
-f, --fieldName of the attribute containing class data
-o, --outputName of the output raster file
-cc-value, the regularization parameter
--epsEpsilon in the epsilon-SVR model
--gammaGamma parameter used in setting the RBF (Gaussian) kernel function
--test_proportionThe proportion of the dataset to include in the test split; default is 0.2

Python function:


Command-line Interface:

>> ./whitebox_tools -r=SvmRegression ^
-i='band1.tif; band2.tif; band3.tif; band4.tif' ^
--scaling='Normalize' -p=training_sites.shp -f='SAND_PCT' ^
-o=PercentSand.tif -c=50.0 --eps=2.0 --gamma=20.0 ^

Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.

Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)

Created: 31/12/2021

Last Modified: 21/01/2022