We are very pleased to announce the creation of WhiteboxTools Geospatial Inc., a new company based on providing extension services around the open-source WBT platform. It is our vision that this company will provide a way of making the ongoing development of the WBT open-core more sustainable in the future, by enabling developers to work full-time on the project. Please read Dr. John Lindsay’s Open letter to the WBT community for more details about this exciting development. Our plan is to maintain, and continue development of, the open-core of WBT, while providing plugin extensions that enhance the core capabilities. To begin with, we are launching the Whitebox General Toolset Extension, a set of (currently) 19 tools to help GIS professionals with their everyday workflows. Please see the newly redesigned WBT webpage at www.whiteboxgeo.com for more details. If you have been interested in supporting the WBT project in the past and haven’t known how, buying a license for the General Toolset Extension is a wonderful way of doing so.