Whitebox Toolset Extension
The Whitebox Toolset Extension (WTE) contains each of the tools listed below. Click on each tool name from the list below to view the help documentation, tool parameters, and instructions on how to use it. Please note, although you are able to download the the WTE, you will not be able to use it until you purchase a valid license.
![Time-in-daylight field](https://i0.wp.com/www.whiteboxgeo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Screen-Shot-2021-08-15-at-6.31.27-PM.png?fit=768%2C516&ssl=1)
DEM Processing
LiDAR Analysis
Machine Learning
Hydrology Analysis
Remote Sensing and GIS
DEM Processing
- AccumulationCurvature Calculates accumulation curvature from an input DEM.
- AssessRoute Assesses a route for slope, elevation, and visibility variation.
- AverageHorizonDistance New! Calculates the average distance to the horizon for all grid cells in an input DEM.
- BreaklineMapping Automatically maps breaklines from an input DEM.
- Curvedness Calculates curvedness from an input DEM.
- DemVoidFilling Fills the void areas of a DEM using another fill DEM data set.
- DifferenceCurvature Calculates difference curvature from an input DEM.
- GeneratingFunction Calculates generating function from an input DEM.
- HorizonArea New! Calculates the area of the horizon polygon centered on each point in an input DEM.
- HorizontalExcessCurvature Calculates horizontal excess curvature from an input DEM.
- LocalHypsometricAnalysis Calculates the hypsometric integral from the elevation distribution contained within the local neighbourhood surrounding each grid cell in an input DEM.
- LowPointsOnHeadwaterDivides Locates saddle points along ridges within a DEM.
- MultiscaleCurvatures Calculates several multiscale curvatures and curvature-based indices from an input DEM.
- Openness Calculates the topographic openness index from an input DEM.
- RingCurvature Calculates ring curvature from an input DEM.
- Rotor Calculates rotor from an input DEM.
- ShadowAnimation Creates an animated GIF of shadows based on an input DEM.
- ShadowImage Creates a raster of shadow areas based on an input DEM.
- ShapeIndex Calculates shape index from an input DEM.
- SkylineAnalysis New! Performs a skyline analysis for one or more observation points based on the terrain of an underlying digital elevation model (DEM).
- SkyViewFactor New! Calculates the sky-view factor from an input DEM.
- SlopeVsAspectPlot Creates a slope-aspect relation plot from an input DEM.
- TopographicPositionAnimation Creates an animated GIF of multi-scale local topographic position.
- TopoRender Creates a pseudo-3D rendering from an input DEM, for the purpose of effective topographic visualization.
- Unsphericity Calculates unsphericity curvature from an input DEM.
- VerticalExcessCurvature Calculates vertical excess curvature from an input DEM.
LiDAR Analysis
- ClassifyLidar Classifies LiDAR point clouds into ground, building, and vegetation points.
- ColourizeBasedOnClass Sets the RGB values of a LiDAR point cloud based on the point classification values.
- ColourizeBasedOnPointReturns Sets the RGB values of a LiDAR point cloud based on the point return values.
- FilterLidar Filters points within a LiDAR point cloud based on point properties.
- FilterLidarByPercentile New! Extracts a subset of points from a LiDAR point cloud that correspond to a user-specified percentile of the points within the local neighbourhood.
- FilterLidarByReferenceSurface New! Extract a subset of points from a LiDAR point cloud that satisfy a query relation with a user-specified raster reference surface.
- ImprovedGroundPointFilter New! Identifies and extracts ground points from an input LiDAR point cloud.
- LidarContour Creates a vector contour coverage from an input LiDAR point file.
- LidarEigenvalueFeatures Calculate eigenvalue-based metrics from a LiDAR point cloud, including linearity, planarity, sphericity, omnivariance, eigentropy, and others.
- LidarPointReturnAnalysis Performs a quality control check on the return values of points in a LiDAR file.
- LidarSibsonInterpolation Interpolates one or more LiDAR tiles using Sibson’s natural neighbour method.
- ModifyLidar Modify points within a LiDAR point cloud based on point properties.
- RecoverFlightlineInfo Associates LiDAR points by their flightlines.
- SmoothVegetationResidual Smoothes the residual roughness due to vegetation cover in LiDAR DEMs.
- SortLidar Sorts the points in a LiDAR file based on point properties.
- SplitLidar Splits LiDAR points up into a series of new files based on their properties.
Machine Learning
- Dbscan Performs a DBSCAN-based unsupervised clustering operation.
- KnnClassification Performs a k-nearest neighbour classification using training site polygons/points and predictor rasters.
- KnnRegression Performs a k-nearest neighbour regression analysis using training site points and predictor rasters.
- LogisticRegression Performs a logistic regression analysis using training site polygons/points and predictor rasters.
- RandomForestClassificationFit Performs a random forest classification using training site polygons/points and predictor rasters.
- RandomForestClassificationPredict Performs a random forest classification prediction based on a fitted model.
- RandomForestRegressionFit Performs a random forest regression analysis using training site points and predictor rasters.
- RandomForestRegressionPredict Applies a random forest regression prediction based on a fitted model.
- SvmClassification Performs a SVM classification using training site polygons/points and predictor rasters.
- SvmRegression Performs a SVM regression analysis using training site points and predictor rasters.
Hydrology Analysis
- DepthToWater Calculates cartographic depth-to-water (DTW) index.
- HydrologicConnectivity Calculates two indices related to hydrologic connectivity within catchments, the downslope unsaturated length and the upslope disconnected saturated area.
- PruneVectorStreams Prunes the smallest branches of a vector stream network based on a threshold in link magnitude.
- RiverCenterlines Maps river centerlines from an input water raster.
- TopologicalBreachBurn Performs a specialized form of stream burning.
Remote Sensing and GIS
- CannyEdgeDetection Performs a Canny edge-detection filter on an input image.
- EvaluateTrainingSites Inspects the overlap in spectral signatures of training sites for various classes.
- FixDanglingArcs Fixes undershot and overshot arcs, two common topological errors, in an input vector lines file.
- GeneralizeClassifiedRaster Generalizes a raster containing class or object features by removing small features.
- GeneralizeWithSimilarity Generalizes a raster containing class features by reassigning the identifier values of small features to those of neighbouring features based on similarity in spectral space.
- ImageSegmentation Performs a region-growing based segmentation on a set of multi-spectral images.
- ImageSlider Creates an image slider from two input images.
- InversePrincipalComponentAnalysis Performs an inverse principal component analysis on a series of input component images.
- MinDistClassification Performs a supervised minimum-distance classification using training sites and multi-spectral images.
- ParallelepipedClassification Performs a supervised parallelepiped classification using training sites and multi-spectral images.
- PhiCoefficient Performs a binary classification accuracy assessment.
- PiecewiseContrastStretch Performs a piecewise contrast stretch on an input image.
- RemoveRasterPolygonHoles Remove raster polygon holes or “donut-holes”, from raster polygons.
- ReconcileMultipleHeaders Adjusts the crop yield values for data sets collected with multiple headers or combines.
- RemoveFieldEdgePoints Remove or flag most of the points along the edges from a crop yield data set.
- RecreatePassLines Approximates the harvester pass lines from yield points.
- YieldFilter Filters crop yield values of point data derived from combine harvester yield monitors.
- YieldMap Creates a segmented-vector polygon yield map from a set of harvester points.
- YieldNormalization Normalizes the yield points for a field.